Bring back the 404
Lately, more sites are choosing to return a
where a404
would have been more appropriate.The unfortunate user who clicks links to pages on these sites finds themselves looking at a page they didn’t expect without any explanation.
Nyanners' oral history of the Family Computer
Twitch streamer and VTuber Nyanners shares some stories from the time of the single shared family computer and early internet.
FSF won't Zoom
Suppose you’re an open source advocate and you’ll be testifying remotely in a court case that could set precedent to improve enforcement of the GPL if successful. You’re conflicted! The case is important, but Zoom is proprietary software!
Selected Excerpts from CrowdStrike's Channel File 291 Technical Root Cause Analysis
The impression one gets is of a web UI CrowdStrike's threat detection engineers use to enter new regexes which must pass some checks but which are then delivered to customers without full integration testing.Difficulties Encountered Migrating from iOS to Android
After having used iOS exclusively for many years, I kept a log of difficulties I personally encountered while migrating to Android 14.
A Years-Long Misunderstanding about Firefox Security in Wikipedia
The Security subsection of the Wikipedia page for Firefox begins like this:
Firefox allowed for a sandbox security model to manage privileges accorded to JavaScript code, but that feature has since been deprecated.
That sounds really scary, but it’s not exactly true. Why should that be the very first thing mentioned, and how long has it been like that?
Sitemaps and Meta Tags may Substitute for RSS
Digital publishers today provide machine-readable data to make sure their sites work well with large platforms like Google, Facebook, Slack, and Twitter. Machine-readable data like RSS intended for independent platforms is often omitted, but the information needed to populate a feed is still there in other formats.
Really Weird Sponsored Links in Facebook Marketplace
While browsing Facebook Marketplace for local used electronics this weird ad appears again and again.
Engagement Bait, Old and New
Two different platforms and two different approaches to minimum content.From Microsoft OneDrive: "Your memories from this day"
Not all images in the cloud are memories.Brain-computer Interfaces in Skyrim Mods
I have been ready for this since I first saw Dragon Ball Z.Tim Sweeney on the Metaverse
Why does Facebook want to be involved with something called The Metaverse?
Red Dots
Observations after signing into Facebook for the first time in a long while.Earnings Call, Headline, More Headlines
A look at what was said about NFTs and how it was reported.April Winchell's MP3s
Heavy JPG Compression + SVG Dither
Dithered images, 3KB over the wire. Noise needs to be added after compression for this to work.